Mindfulness and ADHD
As a mindfulness practitioner, who has myself had a late diagnosis of ADHD, I can relate to the experiences of living with the symptoms, challenges (as well as the benefits and joys!) of living with ADHD.
I have attended training with Susan Bogels, Professor in Family Mental Health at the University of Amsterdam. (Leading psychotherapist and mindfulness trainer for children and parents, adults with ADHD and companies)
I am authorised to teach the Mindfulness for ADHD 8-week programme, devised by Lidia Zylowska MD, an Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. She is an internationally recognised expert in adult ADHD and mindfulness-based therapies.
CPD training with Kings College London in ‘Understanding ADHD: Current Research and Practice’.
30 years teaching experience, which has involved nurturing children with neurodiversities, while developing their learning across all curriculum areas.
My Experience with ADHD and Neurodiversity